Embedding Emotion Survey® Questions in Email

To send an email with Emotion Sensor® embedding, go to Compose view in Comm- Center and click Embed tab.

We can embed the Emotion Sensor® into the email in two ways.

  1. Embedding Emotion Sensor® URL
  2. Embedding Emotion Sensor® questions.
Embedding Emotion Sensor® URL

To embed sensor URL to the email, go to Embed and select sensor URL (This will add the default wording: Click here to Emote).

We can embed the sensor URL as a text in the email body or as a separate URL in the email body.

Embedding Emotion Sensor® questions

To embed sensor questions to the email, go to Embed and select sensor question.

Then Embed survey question box pops up and selects the question from the drop menu that you want to embed in email.

The question will appear with answer emoticons and this will show in the email body when received the email to the users. Once the user is clicked on emoticon, the Emotion Sensor® is loaded in a new tab. And this selected emoticon is showing as pre-selected in Emotion Sensor® UI

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