Emojot ORM – Bulk Replying

When it comes to handling Online Reviews, it tends to be a daunting task when there is a large turnover of reviews each day. It becomes a full time task if/when there are multiple locations either physical or online involved.

This is where Emojot ORM’s Bulk Replying capabilities come in handy. This is just a 3 step process as follows:

  1. First, filter in the review type which needs to be replied to.
  2. Secondly, type in the common reply message to be sent out. (You can save bulk reply message templates as well!)
  3. Finally, click on “Respond” to reply to all selected reviews at once!

Please note that the Bulk Reply feature is only available for admin-connected and authorized locations.

Lets look at how each of the above steps can be done easily via our dashboard.

Filtering Reviews:

To begin Bulk Reply process, click on the “Bulk Respond” button,

Which will open the following popup, where all the Bulk Responding options are,

We can easily filter in the reviews needed as follows:

  1. Channel – Select the required channel such as Facebook, Google, TripAdvisor etc,
  2. Location – Select the location to which you need to respond to.
  3. Reply Condition – Filter out the specific review types to be responded to, such as a particular rating bracket.
  4. Select a Template – This provides the ability to select a presaved response from a dropdown or make changes to a template or even type out a fresh reply.

Bulk Responding: 

Once the reply templates are finalized for different instances, we can start bulk replying to reviews. 

As mentioned above in the “Filtering Reviews” section, once the required reviews are filtered in using the Channel, Location & Reply Condition it is just the matter of selecting the particular reply template to match the filtered reviews.

Once the reviews are filtered and reply template selected, clicking the “Apply” button on the pop up takes you the the bulk replying confirmation.

The final view will show all the selected reviews which will get responded to. The option is available to future deselect any reviews from the bulk respond list if need. Simply just “CLICK” on the review to unselect them.

  • Respond to Selected Reviews – Clicking this confirms the selection and sends out the selected reply to all filtered reviews.
  • Edit Bulk Response – This opens the Bulk Respond pop up once again to make an changes to the template or selection.
  • Cancel Bulk Response – Terminates then Bulk Respond process completely.

Bulk Reply Templates:

Setting up reply templates are a simple task as well. Simply go into the reply section under any review as follows,

Next click on the “Reply” button to expand the reply section for reviews,

Finally click on “Manage Templates” to open up the reply template setup window as seen below,

As seen above, any reply template can easily be setup from the pop up above:

  1. Templates – This is the dropdown where all saved templates are listed, from which you can select an pre saved templates.
  2. Placeholders – As seen in the above example, the ability to add placeholders such as the reviewer name, location etc. can be placed in the reply to auto fill.
  3. Delete – This deletes any saved templates.
  4. Save as new – After configuring your reply template you can save it as a preset by giving as name for future use, in such as bulk replying.
  5. Update – Once any changes are made to a template, clicking “Update” updates the template with the changes.