Emotion Sensor® Localization

To translate a sensor into another language, sensor localization can be used. Go to Sensor tab under Localization settings to translate sensor components except for emotive and feedback themes. Select sensor that need to be translated from dropdown and Select language that the sensor will be translated into. Type the translations in the boxes provided […]

Emoting Tokens

Go to the dashboard Settings emoting token section. Generate tokens To generate tokens, select the survey from the Select survey dropdown. Select the token type from the Token type dropdown. Token types Continuous : If the token type selected as continuous the user would be able to reuse the generated token in the same browser. […]

Enabling Cookies

In order to make the various features available in the Emojot platform, and Emotion Sensors™ , browser cookies should be enabled. These enabling methods vary from device to device and browser to browser. Below is a comprehensive walkthrough of the methods. Desktop Chrome Go to Google Chrome and click customize and control button in the […]