Create an Emotion Sensor®

To create a new survey, click New survey in the My surveyspage. Then enter Survey Name, Survey Title and the Short URL to access the sensor.This short URL helps the users to load the sensor. Then click Next. Type the question on Type your question here box. Type the answers below emojis. Click Next and […]

Create an Emotion Sensor® from Template

To create a sensor from existing template, click sensor Templates on My sensors page, and Select Category from dropdown menu. All the templates relevant to the selected category are shown. Click + ADD to enter Sensor name and URL and add.To preview the sensor, click on the template.

Import an Emotion Sensor® From an Import Code

To import an Emotion Sensor® from another account, click on Import survey on My Surveys page. To import an Emotion Sensor® from an import code, go to From Import Code tab. Enter the Import code (1) taken from the other account with a Name (2) and a URL (3) for the Emotion Sensor® and Import.

Export an Emotion Sensor®

To export a sensor to another account, click on Export survey icon on sensor widget on My surveyspage and get the unique code. Copy and paste it in a different account to get the selected sensor on that account. This code can be used only once within two hours.

Edit an Emotion Sensor®

To edit a sensor, click on Edit sensor icon on sensor widget on My sensors page. Sensor name, sensor title, type, short URL, questions, emotive themes, etc. can be changed from this. Once the editions are done, Update the sensor. When the sensor contains user emotes, it can be either archived or replaced.

Swap Emotion Sensors®

The swap feature used to load a new Emotion Sensor® for the previously loaded Emotion Sensor® URL. So the users can emote to another survey without loading a new short URL. Loads the first Emotion Sensor® using the short URL by clicking on the “eye” icon. Once users emote to this survey, go to the […]


Install the app You can use this link to download and install it from Play Store. (Link – Steup Once the app is downloaded, open the app. First it will ask to set a password. Set the password and Click “Set As KIOSK” button. Then a window will pop up to select home/Launcher App. […]

Emoting Tokens

Go to the dashboard Settings emoting token section. Generate tokens To generate tokens, select the survey from the Select survey dropdown. Select the token type from the Token type dropdown. Token types Continuous : If the token type selected as continuous the user would be able to reuse the generated token in the same browser. […]

Import an Emotion Sensor® From an Excel File

Go to the dashboard and click on the Import survey button. The Import survey window gets open and clicks on the Download Sample button to download a sample excel file. Change the downloaded excel sheet according to the survey that you want to create. Number 1: Provide the Emotion Sensor® name here. Number 2: Provide […]