Edit an Emotion Sensor®

To edit a sensor, click on Edit sensor icon on sensor widget on My sensors page. Sensor name, sensor title, type, short URL, questions, emotive themes, etc. can be changed from this. Once the editions are done, Update the sensor. When the sensor contains user emotes, it can be either archived or replaced.

Emoter Interaction

This report provides the details, how users response/interact with the surveys in a particular account. Date Filter Filter out data using the date and time filter. Analytics Shows the summary of the users’ interaction and the status of surveys in a particular account. Survey List The survey list includes all the surveys in that account […]

Emotive Themes

To learn how to create emoticons on the platform, please refer this article >> Create Emoticons Create inline emotive themes Go to Design step in survey creation. Type the respective responses/answers below the emoji. To change emojis, click on the cogwheel icon top right corner of the emoticon box. Go to Edit and select an […]

Create Emoticons

To create emoticons, go to Settings >> Emotive Themes. Click on the Upload (1) tab in the emoticon widget and click on the Upload emoji (2) button. Drop the file that wants to be used in emoticon creation and click Next. Select the shape of the emoticon either Round or Box and click Next. Change […]

Duplicate an Emotion Sensor®

To duplicate a sensor within the same account, click on Duplicate surveyicon on sensor widget on My sensors page. Provide Name and URL for the new sensor and click on Duplicate.


Skip-logic is a capability that is used in Emotion Sensors® to show dynamic recommendations (and/or content) based on the responses a respondent has given to the previous questions in the sensor. This versatile capability play a huge role in sensor creation (and also on update). What specializes Emojot’s skip logic capability is, you can define […]

Anonymous Responses

Anonymous responses option lets users to choose whether they want their respondents to be identified or not. This feature is most useful when sharing the Emotion Sensor® on email and collecting responses on KIOSK mode. Responses collected on KIOSK mode are anonymous by default. To learn more about KIOSK mode, please refer this article >> […]

Continuous Responses

Continuous responses option lets users to choose whether they want their respondents to respond continuously to a given Emotion Sensor®. This feature is most useful when sharing the Emotion Sensor® on email. When sharing Emotion Sensors® on email, respondents can be either tracked or not tracked. When Emoting type is selected as Continuous, it allows […]