Edit an Emotion SensorĀ®

To edit a sensor, click on Edit sensor icon on sensor widget on My sensors page. Sensor name, sensor title, type, short URL, questions, emotive themes, etc. can be changed from this. Once the editions are done, Update the sensor. When the sensor contains user emotes, it can be either archived or replaced.

Email Marketing Campaigns

This article covers the steps you have to take in order launch an email marketing campaign. The relevant articles are also linked for each point, for easy reference. What is the Comm-center? Manage contacts Enter contacts by manually uploading customer data Enter contacts by bulk uploading customer data Create contact lists Create email templates Launch […]

Send email reminders manually

We can send reminder emails for given filters.refer EMAIL CAMPAIGN post to see how we can send an email campaignTo send an email, click on the campaign detail record. Then add filters from Filter (1) drop menu. refer CAMPAIGN STATUS article for more about campaign status Click ‘Compose’ (2) button. Click on ‘ Reminder ‘ […]

SMS Campaign

Create a user list or select a user to send an SMS campaign We can send an SMS campaign for created user lists or selected user/s from the Contact list.refer USER LISTS IN COMM-CENTER for more infoIf you want to send an email without creating a user list You can select the users from the Contact tab […]

Contact lists in Comm-center

We can create user list/s for selected users in the Contact tab.To create a user list, Go to Contacts (1) tab in Comm-center Then a window pops-up and asks for login credentials as the Comm-center contains PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Select particular users (2) and Click ‘Save to list’(3) button. Then enter the List name […]

User Profiles

Create user profiles  To create a new user account, go to User Management  in Settings menu. Click on Add User button. Enter the email of the user you wish to give access to the portal and hit Next. Enter User name (1), Password (2), (3). The email you entered above will appear on the Email […]