Swap Emotion Sensors®

The swap feature used to load a new Emotion Sensor® for the previously loaded Emotion Sensor® URL. So the users can emote to another survey without loading a new short URL. Loads the first Emotion Sensor® using the short URL by clicking on the “eye” icon. Once users emote to this survey, go to the […]

Case Management Solution

Case Management Solution helps orchestrators to demonstrate to their customers’ feedback is important, by resolving their issues in a systematic and timely manner. Employees can create tickets to follow up on customer feedback actions along an case workflow that is customizable based on each client’s requirements. The case management workflow can be configured to trigger […]

Incident Reports

To check the analytics of the reported incidents, go to Incidents (Beta) >> Incident Reports. Reported incidents can be filtered based on below options. Apply the required filters and Refresh. Priority – Low/ Medium/ High/ Highest Status – Open/ In Progress/ Resolved Type – General Inquiry/ Product Errors/ Customer Experience Issue Emo Signature drill down […]

Case Management

To check the progress or statistics of the case management workflow, go to Cases >> Case Management. (In order to check statistics, workflow should be configured first. Please contact our engineering team to configure case management. Case Management can be renamed based on the organization’s requirements and can be used the same terminologies to keep […]


Raffle Draw Setup is available to select winners. There are two ways to select winners. Select winners through admin and through engagement rule (Auto selection). Admin Selected Winners Create a survey and enable loyalty details which allow identifying the unique emoters. After users emote to the survey navigate to the dashboard menu and select Raffle […]