To check the progress or statistics of the case management workflow, go to Cases >> Case Management. (In order to check statistics, workflow should be configured first. Please contact our engineering team to configure case management. Case Management can be renamed based on the organization’s requirements and can be used the same terminologies to keep everything consistent.
- Assign to Me – tick the box to filter out the cases assigned
- Priority – filter out the cases based on the priority level (All, Low, Medium, High, Highest)
- Status – filter out the cases based on the status (All, Open, In Progress, Resolved)
- Type – filter out the cases based on the type of the case (General Inquiries, Product Errors, Customer Experience Issue, etc.)
- Assignee – assignee of the case
- Date filter – apply the date range to filter out reported cases
- Emo Signature drill down type – when emo signature type data are added to the Emotion Sensor® reported cases can be drilled down based on that
- Customer – emo signature type filters that can be applied
To view the data, click on Unmask PII and unhide the data.
- Download – download the selected cases
- Id – case ID #
- Title – brief description of the title
- Assignee – to whom the case is assigned to
- Priority – priority level of the case (Low, Medium, High, Highest)
- Status – status of the case (Open, In Progress, Resolved)
- Type – type of the case (General Inquiries, Product Errors, Customer Experience Issue, etc.)
- Name – name of the respondent who reported the case
- Email – email of the respondent who reported the case
Once clicked on a case, it opens up the breakdown/other details of the particular case.
- Case description
- Assigned to – assignee of the case
- Status – status of the case (Open, In Progress, Resolved)
- Priority – priority level of the case (Low, Medium, High, Highest)
- Type – type of the case (General Inquiries, Product Errors, Customer Experience Issue, etc.)
- Time Spent – time spent on the case (in hours)
- Comments – comments added to the case by the assignee (to add comments, enter the text in the box below and click Add)
- Case Journey – the timeline of the journey. Once this is clicked, it opens up the changes/modifications done to the selected case
- Customer Journey – the timeline of the respondents’ journey
- Added comments
- Name – name of the customer who reported the case
- Email – email of the reporter
- Custom – custom tags assigned to the case
- Support type – support type of the case
- Due date – due date of the case
Once an case is resolved, both the assignee and the reporter gets an Emotion Sensor® to respond.