Review Insights on Emojot’s ORM

The Review Insights in Emojot Online Reputation Management (ORM) platform provides various features to analyze and manage your online reviews. Let’s explore each analytics feature in detail.

Applied Filters

At the top of the page, you can view the currently applied filters. This section displays all the filters that have been applied to the Review Insights page, including any newly added filters.

Review Insights Overview
  1. Total Reviews: This card displays the total number of reviews synced for the selected locations.
  2. Responded Reviews: This card shows the number of reviews that have been responded by using the Emojot ORM platform.
  3. Ticketed Reviews: This card indicates the number of tickets raised using the Emojot platform.

Overall Review Rating 


The Emojot ORM platform provides an overall review rating, which represents the average rating across all linked review channels. This rating gives you a comprehensive understanding of your business organization’s current state from the customer’s perspective.

Below the Overall Review Rating section, you will find a donut chart that visualizes the overall review rating across all linked review sites. By clicking on the donut chart, you can drill down and view all the reviews received by your business. The right-hand side screenshot illustrates how the drill-down popup will appear, displaying all the reviews.

Review Rating Breakdown

The Review Rating Breakdown feature presents a bar chart that showcases ratings for all reviews synced with Emojot ORM across various review sites. Clicking on each bar in the graph reveals the total number of reviews received for that specific rating.
You can further drill down into each review belonging to a particular rating by clicking on its respective bar.

Review Rating Breakdown by Channel

The Emojot Online Reputation Management (ORM) platform offers a powerful feature that allows you to assess the performance of each review site based on review ratings. This feature provides valuable insights into how each channel contributes to your business’s online reputation.

By utilizing the Review Rating Breakdown by Channel feature, you can easily identify the performance of different review sites in terms of review ratings. The feature presents a bar chart that displays the ratings for each channel. When you click on a rating bar, a drill-down popup will appear, providing you with detailed information. This option allows you to identify which channels are performing well, generating positive reviews, and which channels may require attention due to lower ratings.

Review Rating Breakdown by Channel – Drill Down

Review Rating Breakdown by Location

In Emojot ORM, you have the ability to analyze review ratings specific to each location of your business. This feature allows you to gain insights into how each location is perceived by your customers based on their review ratings.

By inspecting the review rating by business location, you can drill down and examine the reviews received by each location individually. Clicking on each bar on the chart will provide you with a detailed view of the reviews associated with that particular location.

In the accompanying screenshots, you will notice that each location is represented by a color code that corresponds to the overall review rating. The color codes serve as indicators of the performance of each business location in terms of review ratings.

  • Red Color: If a business location is indicated in red, it signifies that the majority of reviews received for that location have poor ratings from customers.
  • Yellow Color: A yellow indicator suggests that the review ratings received for that location are at an average level.
  • Green Color: If a business location is indicated in green, it indicates that the reviews received for that location have good ratings from customers.

By leveraging this feature, you can easily identify the performance of each business location and gain a comprehensive understanding of customer sentiment towards specific branches or areas of your business. You can click on each bar to drill down further and inspect the individual reviews received from your customers for each location.

Review Rating Breakdown by Location – Drill Down

Rating Trend

After the Rating Breakdown, you can have a look at the Rating Trend for a specified time period the user prefers. By simpy hovering over each of the bars gives a overview of the Rating of each month along with the Rating Count for that month. The trendline view can easily be changed from Monthly to Daily or vice versa by switching the toggle on the top left hand corner.

Rating Sentiment

Understanding the sentiment of the ratings are as important as all other insights, using this widget you are able to get a quick understanding of how the sentiment varies across time. The trendline view can easily be changed from Monthly to Daily or vice versa by switching the toggle on the top left hand corner. 

To drilldown into the specifics you can either just hover over the chart to get a highlevel idea or to dive into specific review you can click on each of the bars to get the exact reviews associated for that particular sentiment in each month.

Rating by Category

Emojot’s ORM has an intensive usage of AI capabilities for many tasks and features. In this instance with the use of AI all of the reviews are automatically categorized into predefined list of categories. With this interactive feature, you are able to better understand which areas should be better focused on for the brand without wasting time of reading every review to understand the pain points for the brand. 

Review Sentiment by Category

And, the capabilities don’t stop there. By going a step further Emojot’s ORM uses AI to identify the sentiment of each of the reviews in those categories mentioned above. This allows the users to get a unique point of view to understand the positives and negatives of those categories and help make informed decisions that take actual effect within the brand.

Rating Trend by Channel

The users are also able to get an aggregated view of how the reviews are coming into your brand channels from the following trendline. A trendline is defined for each available channel to better understand the breakdown of reviews coming in from each channel along a specified timeline. The timeline can be switched between Monthly & Daily from the toggle on the top left hand corner.

Responded Reviews Trend

Responding to customer reviews is very important, it shows that the brand cares about the customers’ feedback and it taking an effort to improve the brand image and resolves any issues that may have gone unnoticed.

This trendline has the ability to show the responded review counts Monthly or Daily for a specified timeline as shown below.

Ticketed Reviews Trend

As Emojot’s ORM has the feature to raise a ticket for any review that needs to be followed up with, this widget shows the trend for the tickets raised either in a monthly or daily view. The management can easily get a understanding of the tickets been raised with time.

Review Sentiment by Region

When managing multiple locations across regions it is important to get an understanding of the sentiment of reviews in each region. This helps the high management to identify any pain points in each region and make decisions/ arrangements to effectively address any issues.


Review Word Cloud

The Review Word Cloud showcases common words used in reviews about the location. Click on any word to access reviews associated with that specific word. To generate the word cloud only for a particular sentiment, select the sentiment (Positive, Negative, Mixed)

Competitor Analysis

Emojot’s ORM competitor analysis helps you understand how your online reputation stacks up against others in your industry.

  • Customer preference and recommendation – AI analysis gives you suggestions based on what customers like. These suggestions help you improve how well your business is doing. The AI doesn’t just provide information; it also gives you practical advice to make smart decisions for your business.
Sentiment Breakdown and Sentiment Index

Emojot ORM takes a close look at what people are saying about your competitors in different aspects. It carefully checks sentiments in different review categories, helping you identify both strong and weak points in specific areas. It’s like getting a detailed look at what others are saying about your competition.