Kiosk mode allows multiple users to emote (respond) using the same device. Each emote (respond) is considered as an emote (respond) by a different emoter (respondent).
Kiosk are used when emotes (responses) are collected using a tablet or any other common device. Hospitals, factories, restaurants are such examples.
Allow Kiosk
To enable the kiosk mode, click on the toggle in front of Allow kiosk in Publish step of sensor creation.
Kiosk image URL
An image can be displayed on full screen when kiosk mode is enabled.
To add an image, enter the image URL in the box front of Kiosk image URL.

Timeout when idle
The survey can reload (refresh) automatically when it is idle.
Orchestrators can define the time (in minutes) from the drop-down in front of Timeout when idle.

Profile data capturing on kiosk mode
When capture profile data is enabled on kiosk mode, it automatically logs out when an emoter (respondent) provides his/her details.
This feature is important as one emoter (respondent) cannot see another emoter’s (respondent’s) details.