
Raffle Draw Setup is available to select winners. There are two ways to select winners. Select winners through admin and through engagement rule (Auto selection).

Admin Selected Winners

Create a survey and enable loyalty details which allow identifying the unique emoters.

After users emote to the survey navigate to the dashboard menu and select Raffle from Engage. Select a survey or multiple surveys from the drop-down and select winner count, the time and click on the Select winners button to generate winners.

After selecting winners user can view a popup window and then go to the Admin Selected Winners tab.

Select the particular survey from the drop-down and view the generated winner details in the list.

Auto Selected Winners

Auto Selected Winners, use engagement rule to generate winners. To create engagement rules refer to this article.

After users emote to the survey, navigate to the Engage, Raffle section. Go to the Auto selected winners tab. Select a particular survey from the drop-down. Selected winner details will appear on the list.

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