Feedback Themes

Feedback themes can be used to get more insights from the emoters (respondents) such as what they’d recommend, how to be improved, etc.

Create/edit/delete feedback theme

To create an inline comment theme, enable the toggle in front of Text feedback in Design step of sensor creation.

Click on the Pencil icon to edit the field attributes such as name, type and maximum number of characters.

Switch the toggles on to Enable star rating, Required, and Sentiment analysis.

Select the method(Manual/Automatic) from the dropdown and Apply.

This feature is used in Comment categorization report.

This method is helpful when analysing the sentiment of given comments.

 *Sentiment analysis option is available only for text and textbox options.

Click on the Plus icon to add more fields to the comment theme.

To delete a comment field, click on the Bin icon.

To reuse an existing comment theme, click on the icon at the right end of the Text feedback box.

*Feedback themes created in Settings section only can be viewed here.


Go to Feedback Themes on Settings.

To create a new feedback theme add Theme name and enter Feedback attributes.

Select the type (such as text, email, numeric, etc.) of the field from the dropdown in front.

Maximum number of characters in the field can be changed from Max characters field.

To add a star rating scale, to make the field mandatory and to add the data captured in this field to sentiment analysis, click on checkboxes in front of Enable star rating, Required and Sentiment analysis.
Select the method to be used to do the comment categorization from the dropdown at the end.

This method is helpful when analysing the sentiment of given comments.

*Sentiment analysis option is available only for text and textbox options.

Then Save the feedback theme and it will appear under Current feedback themes.

To edit/delete a feedback theme, click on icons in front of the theme name.

*Themes which are already applied to sensors cannot be deleted.

**When a feedback theme which is already used in a sensor is edited, the sensor should be updated to view the changes.

***Feedback themes created on Settings page can be reused across sensors when necessary but not inline comment themes.

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