1. Introduction
Providing state-of-the-art enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS) platform features is the focus of the Emojot team. As a milestone of this journey, we have released our latest version of the Emojot platform. As a result of that, we have given an extensive set of Identity and Access Management (IAM) capabilities to platform users.
As an existing user of the Emojot platform, you will see the following changes.
The Emojot platform no longer supports the username and password login method. Now you can access the Emojot platform with the email address and password or if your organization chooses to sign in with Single Sign-On (SSO), you need to log in using Google, or Microsoft SSO login credentials.
2. Sign in as an existing user (Email/Password method)
After your account administrator has created your login, you will receive an email as shown below.

It consists of the role you currently hold, and the password setup link. After setting the password you can log in to the CX portal via https://emojot.com/cxportal as you did it previously.
2.1 Set Up Password
By clicking on the set up password button you will be redirected to the following page.

Then you can enter the new password that matches all the given categories. Then click on the Proceed button and you will be able to see the success message.

To log into the account click on the Login button which was mentioned in the email body. Then you will be redirected to the Sign In page as mentioned below.

Then enter your email address, and password, and click on the Sign in button. Once you click on the Sign In button you will be asked to resolve the captcha.

If you successfully resolve the captcha you will be able to access the account.
2.2 Forgot password
If you forgot your password you can reset your password by clicking on the Forgot password. Then you will be redirected to the following page. Then enter your email address in the field and click on the Send Reset Link button. (If you click on the Cancel button you will be redirected to the Login page.)

Once you click on the Send Reset Link button you will receive a notification as below.

If your email address is already registered on the Emojot platform you will receive an email to reset your password.

Then by clicking on the Reset Password button you will be redirected to the reset password page and then you can enter the new password which matches the given categories.
If you fulfill all the given categories you can click on the Proceed button to reset the password.

Once you successfully reset the password, you can see the following success message.

By clicking on the Back to application you will be redirected to the sign In page and then by entering your email and password you will be able to access the account.
3. Single sign-on (SSO)
If your organization has configured Single Sign-On (SSO) with the Emojot platform you can log into the platform using your corporate login credentials.

3.1 Sign in with Microsoft
To sign in with Microsoft(Outlook, O365), your account administrator should have created a login for you with Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration. Once your account is created you will get notified by email and then follow the instructions below. You can sign in to the CX portal by accessing the provided link https://emojot.com/cxportal or you can use the login link which was mentioned in the email.
When you access the given link you will be able to view the following Sign In page. Now you do not need to enter your email and password just click on the Sign in With Microsoft button.

If you’re already logged into your corporate Microsoft account on the same browser, clicking on Sign in With Microsoft will automatically sign you in to your Emojot account.
Otherwise, you’ll need to enter your corporate Microsoft credentials (Enter your corporate email address and password) in order to access your Emojot account.

After giving the Microsoft credential you will see the following message and by clicking on “Yes” you will get to access the account. If you click “No”, you will not be able to access your account.

3.2 Sign In with Google
To sign in with Google, your account administrator should have created a login for you with Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration. Once your account is created you will get notified by email and then follow the instructions below. You can sign in to the CX portal by accessing the provided link https://emojot.com/cxportal or you can use the login link which was mentioned in the email.
When you access the given link you will be able to view the following Sign In page. Now you do not need to enter your email and password just click on the Sign in With Google button.

If you’re already logged into your corporate Gmail account on the same browser, clicking on Sign in With Google will automatically sign you in to your Emojot account.
Otherwise, you’ll need to enter your corporate Gmail credentials (Enter your corporate email address and password) in order to access your Emojot account.