Emojot’s SLT Filtering

In Emojot’s SLT, you have access to a list of filtering features designed to assist in examining the specified brand, competitors, designated keywords, and channels.

The filter section is on the top right-hand corner of the view as a pink “Funnel” icon and once the icon is clicked, it will pop up the filter window as below:

  1. Date/Time – Filter the reviews by Date and time.
  2. Sentiment – Choose from the provided sentiments: Positive, Negative, or Mixed, according to your preference.
  3. Sources – There are two basic types of sources: social and news
  4. Channels – Based on the selected sources, the channels appear here.
    • Social – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Other
    • News – Web
  5. Brand -This represents the main brand that you have selected.
  6. Brand Keyword/s – These are the keyword/s associated with the selected brand.
  7. Competitors – This is the section for competitors.
  8. Competitor Keyword/s -These are the keyword/s associated with the selected competitor brands.