Add/Edit/Delete user records
To add a new record, click the ‘Add new record’ (2) button.
Fill the fields in the ‘Add user’ window and click on the “Add user’ button.
Click the ‘Delete selected record’ (3)button to delete the current user records in the contacts table.
To edit a user record, select the user record and click the ‘Edit selected record‘ (1) button.
Then make the necessary changes and update.

Download user records in CSV file
We can download the user records in the current page as in the CSV file.
To download the CSV file click the ‘CSV’ button and download.

Select/Deselect user records
If you want to select all records in the current page tick on ‘Select all in current page‘ (1) button (Right mark).
If you want to deselect selected or current page records, click on ‘Deselect all in current page‘ (2) (Empty square box).

Show/hide columns to the user data table
We can show or hide the columns from the data table.
If you want to show the additional columns in the table, click the ‘Columns’ button and select relevant column names from the appeared list.
If you want to hide current appearing columns from the table, click
‘Columns’ button and deselect the selected column names from the list.

Search user records from the user data table
Enter the keyword in the search text field and press enter.
Then you can see the search result in the user data table.

Add/Save filters
We can add and save filters to search the user records in the data table.
Click ‘Filter Settings’ and create a filter by clicking the ‘New filter’ (1) button.
There are 2 types of filter options.
Single filter (2) – We can only add one filter at one time.
Multiple filter (3) – We can add multiple filters by making the condition for matching types.
To save the created filter, add filter options and click the ‘Apply’(4) button.

Then click on the ‘Save filter’(5) button and enter the name and ‘Save’.
The saved filters are appearing in the ‘Saved filters’ (6) drop menu.

Review user data
We can review the user data as below,
- Name: Name of the user.
- Email: Contact email address of the user.
- Telephone: Contact number of the user.
- Birthday: Date of birth of the user
- Unsubscribed: If the user is in Unsubscribed status, it will appear as “true”.If the user is in Subscribed status, it will appear as “false”.
- Last active: Last emote date and time of the particular user.
- Last Updated: Last added/updated date and time of the user details.
- Total emotes: Total emotes which he/she has submitted for the sensors. Kindly note this is only relevant for campaigns with Emotion SensorsĀ®.
- Contact Journey: How the user interacts for each sensor (All responses, feedback, and views). There are 2 ways to show the timeline of a user. Normal user interaction and 360 feedback mechanism interaction. To learn more about Respondent Journey, please refer to this article >> Contact Journey
- Enterprise hierarchy fields: If ‘enterprise data’ is available, we can see this data by adding the corresponding columns to the data table. Note that such data will automatically update when the enterprise hierarchy is updated from an Emotion SensorĀ® (where applicable).

Create/Save user lists
We can create user lists by selecting relevant users from the contact list.
First, select the particular users and click the ‘Save to list’ button.
Then enter the ‘List name‘ and ‘Save‘.
The saved lists are showing in the Lists tab.
If we want to add a new user to the existing list, select the user and select the list name from ‘List name‘ drop menu and ‘Save‘.
Refer USER LISTS IN COMM-CENTER for more info.