File upload through Emotion Sensors™

Uploading files is a versatile capability that is available in Emotion Sensors™. To enable this, please contact the dev team. Different types of files can be uploaded through the sensors such as png, pdf, xls, etc. Below is a screenshot from a sensor where upload file is enabled. Once the file is selected, add a […]

Emotive Themes

To learn how to create emoticons on the platform, please refer this article >> Create Emoticons Create inline emotive themes Go to Design step in survey creation. Type the respective responses/answers below the emoji. To change emojis, click on the cogwheel icon top right corner of the emoticon box. Go to Edit and select an […]

Create Emoticons

To create emoticons, go to Settings >> Emotive Themes. Click on the Upload (1) tab in the emoticon widget and click on the Upload emoji (2) button. Drop the file that wants to be used in emoticon creation and click Next. Select the shape of the emoticon either Round or Box and click Next. Change […]

Enterprise Data Upload

To add enterprise data into analytics, Enterprise Data should be uploaded first. Go to Settings >> Enterprise Data Upload. Add enterprise metric with data Enter Metric name(1) for Name field. Select Type(2) and enter the Parameter name(3) for the selected type. And select value type from Type (4) drop menu. Select Period (5) as Daily […]