Import an Emotion Sensor® From an Excel File

Go to the dashboard and click on the Import survey button.

The Import survey window gets open and clicks on the Download Sample button to download a sample excel file.

Change the downloaded excel sheet according to the survey that you want to create.

  • Number 1: Provide the Emotion Sensor® name here.
  • Number 2: Provide a page title or leave it empty if you don’t want any title to display. (This use to separate questions in the pages.)
  • Number 3: Provide questions with a number.
  • Number 4: Relevant reponses to the paricular question.
  • Number 5: To add inbuilt questions use these syntaxes.
  • Number 6: Add inline comment fields.
  • Number7: Add profile data fields using the following syntaxes. (By default, profile data fields get added at the end, change the functionality from the edit section of that survey)

Save the excel file after doing changes and go to the dashboard and click on the Import Survey button.

Click on the Choose excel button and select the excel sheet from your computer and click on the Import button.

Once the Emotion Sensor® gets created, go to the edit section of that Emotion Sensor® and do necessary changes. (In these types of surveys users need to enable Show emojis toggle in every question setting to view the added emoji.)

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