
Customer Satisfaction Score

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) measures the users' satisfaction with a product or service. This identifies the short-term happiness of the clients. To view the report, go to Visualize >> Emolytics >> Customer Satisfaction Indices and select the CSAT tab. Question – CSAT question of the Emotion Sensor® (Only CSAT questions ...

Net Promoter Score®

Net Promoter Score® measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s product or service to others. NPS® long term happiness on customer loyalty. Promoters – Love the company’s product/servicePassives – Somewhat satisfiedDetractors – Not particularly thrilled by the product/service NPS® representation To view the report, go to Visualize >> ...

Sentiment Analysis

This report can be used to analyze customer feedback on a selected survey or using twitter keywords. Enter keywords and Twitter checkbox allow filtering comments related to the added keyword. These comments get categorized as negative and positive comments with the percentage. Location and date filters allow us to filter ...

More Information

Emotion Sensor® - Emotional visual survey which captures emotion of the respondentEmoter - Respondent of an Emotion Sensor® Orchestrator - Who manages Emotion Sensors® using Emojot dashboardEnterprise Hierarchy - Hierarchy of the enterprise that needs to be captured in the analytics Enterprise Hierarchy with 4 levels ...

Emotion Sensor® State

There are two types of states in Emotion Sensors® They are Active & Inactive. By default, the state of the Emotion Sensor® is Active. Emoters (respondents) can access and emote (respond) to active surveys. When a survey is active, it's mentioned on the survey as below. Active Survey Emoters (respondents) ...

Tips & Best Practices

Emotion Sensor® Creation Ask questions to relate emotionally with the audience.Use suitable emoticons/emotive themes to reflect the emotional responses. Same emoticon should not be used for different emotional responses. Keep the Emotion Sensors® short and simple. Make sure every question is required and relates with the previous answer. Use /skip ...