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Skip-logic is a capability that is used in Emotion Sensors® to show dynamic recommendations (and/or content) based on the responses a respondent has given to the previous questions in the sensor. This versatile capability play a huge role in sensor creation (and also on update). What specializes Emojot's skip logic ...

Anonymous Responses

Anonymous responses option lets users to choose whether they want their respondents to be identified or not. This feature is most useful when sharing the Emotion Sensor® on email and collecting responses on KIOSK mode. Responses collected on KIOSK mode are anonymous by default. To learn more about KIOSK mode, ...

Continuous Responses

Continuous responses option lets users to choose whether they want their respondents to respond continuously to a given Emotion Sensor®. This feature is most useful when sharing the Emotion Sensor® on email. When sharing Emotion Sensors® on email, respondents can be either tracked or not tracked. When Emoting type is ...

Enabling Cookies

In order to make the various features available in the Emojot platform, and Emotion Sensors™ , browser cookies should be enabled. These enabling methods vary from device to device and browser to browser. Below is a comprehensive walkthrough of the methods. Desktop Chrome Go to Google Chrome and click customize ...

Answer Piping

Answer piping is an interesting feature introduced by Emojot. Emotion Sensor® UI page content can be dynamically generated based on the responses given in the previous survey question pages. The same capability can be used to display the responses given by respondents to review the responses they have given before ...