
Score Overview Report

To create a Score Overview Report, first create an Emotion Sensor® with scores. To add scores, please refer the article on add scores to emoticons. Add segments to the report Go to Score Overview report under Analyze in the menu. Select the Emotion Sensor® from the drop-down in front of ...

Score Analysis

To create a Score Analysis report, first create an Emotion Sensor® with scores. To add scores, please refer the article on add scores to emoticons. Go to Score Analysis report under Analyze in the menu. Select the Emotion Sensor® from the drop-down in front of Survey and the questions from ...

Import an Emotion Sensor® From an Excel File

Go to the dashboard and click on the Import survey button. The Import survey window gets open and clicks on the Download Sample button to download a sample excel file. Change the downloaded excel sheet according to the survey that you want to create. Number 1: Provide the Emotion Sensor® ...

Customer Satisfaction Indices

Customer satisfaction questions helps users to identify where their organizations stand. Inbuilt question capabilities in the platform allows users to add the global standard questions mentioned below. These score values are calculated automatically, real-time. Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) - please refer this article.Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) - please refer this ...

Case Management Solution

Case Management Solution helps orchestrators to demonstrate to their customers' feedback is important, by resolving their issues in a systematic and timely manner. Employees can create tickets to follow up on customer feedback actions along an case workflow that is customizable based on each client's requirements. The case management workflow ...