File upload through Emotion Sensors™

Uploading files is a versatile capability that is available in Emotion Sensors™. To enable this, please contact the dev team. Different types of files can be uploaded through the sensors such as png, pdf, xls, etc. Below is a screenshot from a sensor where upload file is enabled. Once the file is selected, add a […]

Import an Emotion Sensor® From an Excel File

Go to the dashboard and click on the Import survey button. The Import survey window gets open and clicks on the Download Sample button to download a sample excel file. Change the downloaded excel sheet according to the survey that you want to create. Number 1: Provide the Emotion Sensor® name here. Number 2: Provide […]


Skip-logic is a capability that is used in Emotion Sensors® to show dynamic recommendations (and/or content) based on the responses a respondent has given to the previous questions in the sensor. This versatile capability play a huge role in sensor creation (and also on update). What specializes Emojot’s skip logic capability is, you can define […]

Text Comments

Text Comments Report help you go through all the text based responses to required questions and filter them as you need. Text Responses contain some of the most insightful and valuable information that a user can hope for. Lets go through how you can take advantage of that. Text Comment Filtering Emojot offers a wide […]