Duplicate an Emotion Sensor®

To duplicate a sensor within the same account, click on Duplicate surveyicon on sensor widget on My sensors page. Provide Name and URL for the new sensor and click on Duplicate.

Import an Emotion Sensor® From an Excel File

Go to the dashboard and click on the Import survey button. The Import survey window gets open and clicks on the Download Sample button to download a sample excel file. Change the downloaded excel sheet according to the survey that you want to create. Number 1: Provide the Emotion Sensor® name here. Number 2: Provide […]

Comm-Center for Email Deployments

The Comm-Center is what we call the communication epicenter or hub of Emojot’s platform. Overview Comm-Center Menu – From this you can navigate among your Email Campaigns, your Contacts Lists and settings. Contacts Menu – These functions focus on adding/updating/deleting your contacts as you choose. We can compose emails as well. Contact List – This […]