Contact lists in Comm-center

We can create user list/s for selected users in the Contact tab.To create a user list, Go to Contacts (1) tab in Comm-center Then a window pops-up and asks for login credentials as the Comm-center contains PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Select particular users (2) and Click ‘Save to list’(3) button. Then enter the List name […]

Manage Contacts in Comm-Center

Add/Edit/Delete user records To add a new record, click the ‘Add new record’ (2) button.Fill the fields in the ‘Add user’ window and click on the “Add user’ button. Click the ‘Delete selected record’ (3)button to delete the current user records in the contacts table. To edit a user record, select the user record and […]

User Profiles

Create user profiles  To create a new user account, go to User Management  in Settings menu. Click on Add User button. Enter the email of the user you wish to give access to the portal and hit Next. Enter User name (1), Password (2), (3). The email you entered above will appear on the Email […]

Embedding Emotion Survey® Questions in Email

To send an email with Emotion Sensor® embedding, go to Compose view in Comm- Center and click Embed tab. We can embed the Emotion Sensor® into the email in two ways. Embedding Emotion Sensor® URL Embedding Emotion Sensor® questions. Embedding Emotion Sensor® URL To embed sensor URL to the email, go to Embed and select sensor URL (This […]

SMS Campaign Status

There are 3 types of status available in SMS campaigns. All: To see all types of status for sent SMSs. Responded: To see responded user details who is submitted emotes from Emotion Sensors® for received SMSs Not responded: To see user details who has not responded for the embedded Emotion Sensors® by submitting emotes.

Email Campaign Status

There are 8 types of status available in the email campaign. We can send the emails and check campaign details by filtering data from these statuses. Kindly note the responded status is not applicable for email marketing campaigns. All: To see all user status for sent emails. Delivered: To see only delivered user details for […]